About Shin Ryu Bujinkan


Shin Ryu Bujinkan Dojo is a koryu dojo in the Bujinkan tradition, and a member of the Pacific Northwest Bujinkan organization, operating under the guidance of Daishihan Mark Vandehey. Shihan Scott Wilson is the sensei of Shin Ryu Bujinkan. He has practiced martial arts for 25+ years, and has been training with Mark Vandehey in the Bujinkan since the early 1990s. Scott is a 15th dan (jugodan) in Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu, and has travelled to Japan every year since 2012 to train with Soke and the Bujinkan senior Daishihan.

As a traditional koryu dojo, students at Shin Ryu Bujinkan study not just physical skills and abilities, but also historical strategy principles, as well as mental and spiritual practices connected to the Bujinkan tradition. This is not a sport or competition-based art, but a practical martial tradition used to develop physical skills, self-awareness, and enlightenment.

As a member of Pacific Northwest Bujinkan, the focus of our koryu tradition is on developing the spirit and skill of a warrior, and learning a koryu art of the past for the modern age. This means that students will practice with traditional Japanese weapons and armor, and learn battlefield tactics and strategy, but will also apply the teachings and principles of our martial tradition to today’s environments, current weapons, and modern lifestyles.

Bujinkan training and instruction in real-world combat applications is taught world-wide by the military and policing organizations of major nations, including the Marine Core of the United States, British Special Forces (SAS), and the FBI. The focus of Bujinkan training is on developing practical, tested skillsets that work in many environments and which have demonstrated their effectiveness in actual combat over the centuries.


Shin Ryu Bujinkan is also closely associated with its sister Bujinkan school in Halifax, Bujinkan (Doyle-Bedwell) Dojo, led by Shihan George Doyle-Bedwell, with regular training activities scheduled between the two schools.